Direct Sales / MLM Network Marketing

Direct Sales / MLM Network Marketing
Direct Sales / MLM Network Marketing
Author: Wood, Doris
Product Code: mlmia004
Availability: In Stock
Price: $12.95

Perhaps you’re just beginning to look at the phenomenon called, let’s see now… Multi-Level Marketing, Direct Sales, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Person to Person, whatever you call it… it’s great.

You probably already know that the wonderful profession we are in is sometimes called an industry and is also called by many different names.  In addition to those mentioned above, Relationship Marketing and some new ones that probably just popped up… and on and on.  Sometimes you may have difficulty explaining to others about this exciting profession, or to people in the industry itself, in a language that they can/ will understand.  Hopefully this Dictionary/ directory will help you overcome all of those challenges/ problems.


You will need this Dictionary and I hope you will come to use it as you do Webster’s.  As I’ve learned, a word in this MLM/Network Marketing culture may not have the same meaning that it does in any other, so don’t assume you know.  Above all, I hope you have fun with it and learn from it.  I also hope that it adds to your profitability.