DeckWork Marketing a la Card [CARD]

DeckWork Marketing a la Card [CARD]
Author: Linden, Michael
Product Code: mlmia0012
Availability: In Stock
Price: $9.95

"The DeckWork Marketing cards are an awesome, inspirational marketing tool. As a goal achievement coach, they provide my clients with daily action steps and motivation. Thank You Michael!!" Debbi Chamber

 "Simplicity and clarity are the hallmarks of training, and DeckWork Marketing nails both on the head! This entertaining, simple to use program makes it easy to break down and convey the key points of our business... better yet is that it's duplicatable as well. DeckWork Marketing is now THE cornerstone in all your future training programs!" Izzy Matos

"These cards are a reflection of many years of experience and 'learning the ropes'. I look through them regularly and select one or two to tape on my computer monitor. Right now I have cards 21 and 22 right next to each other. I look at them while I am having a phone conversation; they have made a huge difference in the quality of my conversations. And by the way, I noticed that Amy has two cards right by her monitor. It's working!" Richard Cicchetti